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Phenomic screen identifies a role for the yeast lysine acetyltransferase NuA4 in the control of Bcy1 subcellular localization, glycogen biosynthesis, and mitochondrial morphology

PLOS Genetics

2020-11-30 | Journal article

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1009220


Contributors: Elizabeth A. Walden; Gregory P. Copenhaver; Roger Y. Fong; Trang T. Pham; Hana Knill; Sarah Jane Laframboise; Sylvain Huard; Mary-Ellen Harper; Kristin Baetz

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Analysis of financial challenges faced by graduate students in Canada

Biochemistry and Cell Biology

2023-04-11 | Journal article

DOI: 10.1139/bcb-2023-0021


Contributors: Sarah Jane Laframboise; Thomas Bailey; Anh-Thu Dang; Mercedes Rose; Zier Zhou; Matthew D. Berg; Stephen Holland; Sami Aftab Abdul; Kaela O'Connor; Sara El-Sahli et al.

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Intersections Between Next Generation Researchers and Science Policy in Canada – Past, Present and Future

Authors: Sivani Baskaran1, Dhanyasri Maddiboina1, Jina Kum1, Sarah Laframboise2,9, Paalini Sathiyaseelan3,6, Madison Rilling4, Farah Qaiser1,4,5, Anh-Khoi Trinh6, Shawn McGuirk6,7,8


  1. Toronto Science Policy Network

  2. Ottawa Science Policy Network

  3. Science Policy in Health Environment Research and Ethics

  4. Canada’s Chief Science Advisor’s Youth Council 

  5. Evidence for Democracy

  6. Science & Policy Exchange

  7. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada

  8. Association Francophone Pour le Savoir

  9. Canadian Science Policy Centre


Investing in the Future of Science: The Urgent Need to Fund Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars in Canada

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